Truth is an absolute defense to a defamation claim.
Wilson v. Sparrow Health Systems, 290 Mich App 149, 155; 799 N.W.2d 224 (2010)
This website is not part truth, but the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help us God.
We are a family dedicated to warning of and protecting elderly and vulnerable adults from the abuse and financial exploitation by fiduciaries such as trustees and personal representatives, and the lawyers that fiduciaries retain who use the law to conceal or further the abuse and financial exploitation.
But there's more!
The abuse and financial exploitation doesn't stop there.
We are here to also expose the incompetence, corruption and gaslighting by the
Allegan County Probate Court
and the higher courts of the Michigan judicial system that aided in the abuse and financial exploitation of elderly and vulnerable adults.
The Michigan Probate Mafia
"For the most part, probate proceedings take place before specialized state courts, and there is no evidence suggesting that the potential for bias against out of-state litigants is any less than it is in state courts of general jurisdiction. If anything, the signs point in the other direction: judges who sit in some probate courts need not even be lawyers or have legal training and probate courts have a reputation for bias and corruption. Thus, relegating suits brought pursuant to complex and significant federal statutes such as RICO or § 1983 to potentially biased and untrained state probate court judges by invoking the exception seems anathematic."
See, CHARLES REMBAR, THE LAW OF THE LAND: THE EVOLUTION OF OUR LEGAL SYSTEM 71 (1980) (noting that the New York probate courts have a history as “factories of corruption”); Ronald Chester, Less Law, but More Justice?: Jury Trials and Mediation As Means of Resolving Will Contests, 37 DUQ. L. REV. 173, 178–81 (1999) (documenting instances of bias). Cf. CHEMERINSKY, supra note 27, at 290 (discussing bias concerns in diversity jurisdiction in general and citing Jerry Goldman & Kenneth S. Marks, Diversity Jurisdiction and Local Bias: A Preliminary Empirical Inquiry, 9 J. LEGAL STUD. 93, 97–99 (1980)); Note, The Choice Between State and Federal Court in Diversity Cases in Virginia, 51 VA. L. REV. 178 (1965)) (discussing studies indicating that 40–60 percent of litigants who file diversity cases in federal court cite fear of local bias as a motivating factor).
PETER NICOLAS, Assistant Professor, University of Washington School of Law. The author would like to thank Craig Allen, Thomas Andrews, Diane Atkinson-Sanford, Ian Birk, Magdalena Cuprys, Joan Fitzpatrick, Ann Hemmens, Kate O’Neill, Chris Waraksa, Mary Whisner, and Senior Editor, Lisa Ruesch, of the Southern California Law Review for valuable research, feedback, and assistance.
This website is dedicated to the memory of life-long companions
William H. Johnson Jr. & Ralph A. Siddell
who were able to legally marry on August 16, 2015
at 85 years of age.
And our beloved aunt, Linda Smith, who is the victim of abuse and financial exploitation by
George Stoutin of Edward Jones
David Heilman of Edward Jones
Jeffrey Helder of Cunningham & Dalman
Robert Brower of Miller Johnson
Angela Caulley of Miller Johnson
Neil Marchand of Miller Johnson
and the
Michigan Judicial System
The Michigan Probate Mafia
Recommended movie to watch: "I Care A Lot" - by J. Blakeson
Though fictional, "I Care a Lot" is based on events that occur all too frequent.
The information in this website will be published in book form, and we expect to release a documentary film
Exposing fraudulent and criminal conduct by caregivers, fiduciaries and trustees, and a corrupt judicial system one state at a time.
Our Mission Statement
Committed to safeguarding the rights of vulnerable adults by exposing corruption in Michigan's judiciary and fiduciary practices related to trusts and estates.
Fiduciary and Trustee
Contact Us
As you follow us and discover our experience, we would love to hear from you regarding trusts and estates and we will give you our insight on hiring an ethical and skilled lawyer.