The elder adult abuse by the

Allegan County Probate Court,

Judge Michael Buck


Probate Register Jonathan Blair

The mismanagement of the
Allegan County Probate Court,
the failure of the Probate Judge to perform judicial duties,
the fraud of the Probate Judge and the Probate Register, their ignorance, incompetence, bias and corruption is staggering.

Michael Buck - Probate Judge

I will never refer to this man as "honorable" for he is not. His beady eyes remind me of how we were screwed.

He may have fooled some of the Allegan County citizens when performing adoption duties, but the evidence in our contested cases demonstrates a lazy, incompetent judge who broke the law, failed to enforce the laws, and had no interest in doing the job the voters of Allegan County elected him to do.

A judge must be proficient in all areas of law that he or she is responsible for administering or they just make matters worse and violate constitutional rights. Follow along to discover our experience in Allegan County with this corrupt individual.

Michael Buck had no interest of showing up. He improperly and illegally delegated judicial duties to his unelected probate register that exceeded the probate register's authority under MCL 600.834(1), MCR 8.301 and his own administrative order P03 2019-03. If the probate register was intelligent and honest, that might not have been a problem. That that's not what we found in Allegan County.

When Michael Buck was finally made to show up to serve as a probate judge. He was more interested in his Pickleball game. When he did decide he better show up, he was persistently late.

Buck is completely incompetent to handle estate and trust disputes. He did not even know what the standard of proof was for determining a trust dispute. He had to ask the lawyers. Buck had to ask the lawyers how someone puts assets in a trust or takes assets out of a trust. He relied on the ridiculous explanation by Jeffrey Helder of Cunningham & Dalman, a dishonest lawyer in Holland, Michigan who aided and abetted Heilman and Stoutin's financial exploitation of elderly adults in violation of MCL 750.174(1).

Allegan County recently elected a new probate judge. Let's hope she decides to do a better job of protecting the community members by understanding estate and trust laws -- and enforcing them.

Good riddance Buck you incapable and dishonest jackass.

Jonathan Blair is one of the most ignorant and vile humans on the planet.

Allegan County should be grateful that Jonathan Blair was required to remove his name from the 2024 ballot to fill one of two positions as an Allegan County Probate Judge.

Jonathan Blair is incompetent and has the temperament of a pit viper. He routinely exceeded his authority in violation of MCL 600.834(1) and MCR 8.301. Jonathan acted as though he were king.

How does Allegan come up with these people?!

I am praying for Allegan County that the incoming probate judge decides to select someone with better temperament and skill to assist her in performing judicial duties honestly and to ensure the fair administration of justice.

We will be reporting Jonathan to the Attorney Grievance Commission and hope that he loses his ability to practice law in the State of Michigan. When the complaint is submitted, we will upload the facts here.

Jonathan Blair - Probate Register

Angela Caulley
Angela Caulley - Miller Johnson

In this picture courtesy of LinkedIn Ms. Caulley looks "plastic" with cheeks similar to that of an alcoholic. She's actually attractive. But given the way she treated our family by intentionally misrepresenting the law to the court to financially exploit elderly adults, she has a heart as black as coal, and a soul to match.